Diet for People with Kidney Disease
Such a phenomenon as diet originates in the distant past, where it played an important role, and it still plays today. Nowadays, there are over 30 types of different diets. The thing is that not every diet will suit the same person. If the diet is selected correctly, then the result will quickly become obvious. The diet for kidney disease is an example of a quick recovery without resorting to medical intervention.
Diet is not a luxury but a remedy!
When you want to lose a couple of extra kilograms, you can start eating right, focus on less high-calorie foods.
Unfortunately, such a solution to the problem is not suitable for patients with diseased kidneys. The most valuable thing depends on the diet – your health. Improper nutrition can provoke a severe exacerbation, which will lead to a deterioration in the state of organs and the whole organism. One of the leading principles of this diet is the lack of hunger. In no case should the patient lose weight, otherwise the load on the kidneys will increase. But you can not overload the stomach.
The diet should be designed in such a way that there is a gap of two-three hours between meals. And the portions should be small in volume.
Taboo on salt and water
In the case of kidney disease, experts put a strict prohibition on the use of salt. Rock salt has always caused resentment from doctors. It can retain fluid in the body for a long time and thereby does not remove harmful substances to the outside. When a person has kidney failure, the consequences can be sad.
Salt will have to be abandoned if the patient has a chronic form of the disease. In such cases, a little vinegar or lemon juice is added to the food instead of salt. We can safely cross out the following foods from the diet if the doctor recommended a decrease in salt intake:
- plain bread, bakery products;
- semi-finished products;
- hard cheese;
- various kinds of preservation;
- marinades;
- fish;
- mineral water.
As for the liquid, the patient is allowed to consume no more than one and a half liters in total. Otherwise, the load increases puffiness, the load on the kidneys increases. All types of alcohol are prohibited.
Protein restriction
As a rule, complete failure is foreseen in the most extreme cases and for a certain period of time since proteins are the main building material. Without their presence, the synthesis of new cellular compounds is not possible. You will have to limit proteins. With the breakdown, toxins appear, which are eliminated from the body through the kidneys. The fewer toxic compounds, the easier it is for the kidneys to work. Recommended protein intake does not exceed 50g. Therefore, if the patient consumes foods such as chicken, eggs, fish, they need to be eaten in limited quantities. Steaming is the preferred method of cooking.
Best foods for people with kidney disease
You should limit the consumption of proteins and replenish complex carbohydrate compounds. Foods rich in carbohydrates include:
- diet bread;
- lean cookies;
- cereal cereals;
- vegetables;
- fruit;
- dairy products;
- cream;
- baked potato;
- dried fruits, etc.
You should take into account that the diet changes with the slightest change in the disease. But in any case, the food consumed should be enriched with vitamins and minerals, in particular potassium. This element suffers the most and is excreted in large quantities with urine. Vitamins of groups A and E must also be present in the body and be replenished. Being the strongest antioxidants, they prevent the formation of new compounds.
In the absence of obvious contraindications, you should try fasting days, which fruitfully affect the healing of organs and the urinary tract. You can arrange fruit, vegetable and drinking days.
You must remember that the body should not experience an acute feeling of hunger. It is useful to eat seasonal vegetables, fruits, all kinds of mashed potatoes, jams, etc. If necessary, add honey or low-fat yogurt. The daily calorie intake should not exceed 3500 kcal.
The diet for kidney disease completely eliminates spicy foods, but it is allowed to ear onions and bay leaves in small quantities. The first courses can include light meatless soups, mashed soups. Second courses can include steamed meat products. Dessert is presented in the form of fruits, berries. Raisins, figs, dried apricots will be excellent snacks. Preferred drinks are fruit juices and teas diluted in half with plain water. The listed products may be excluded (it is individual).
The proper diet as a way to restore the body
The conditions listed above help the body cope with the load, in some cases, recover from a serious illness.
Diet is not differentiated by gender. Both men and women with the same symptoms should keep a certain diet. This will lead to an effective result and a complete recovery.
The human body is arranged in such a way that each organ has hours of active and passive work. This applies to the kidneys. When starting a diet, you should know that the activity of the organ increases to 13-00. The main dishes should be eaten during this period of kidney activity. Do not eat complex carbohydrates after 1 pm. The last meal should be 1.5 hours before bedtime. Porridge is the most useful meal in terms of properties and digestibility.
Menu example
A specific patient menu should be made by a treating specialist.
Wrong foods can lead to disastrous consequences. Below you can see a sample menu:
- Breakfast: milk rice porridge, rosehip boil;
- Second breakfast: boiled fish or steamed and mashed potatoes;
- Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled veal, tea;
- Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, tea with honey;
- Late dinner: dried fruits.
The result of the chosen treatment depends primarily on the rapid response of differentiated nutrition. If a full meal is provided from the initial moment the diagnosis is announced, the disease will go away. The outcome of treatment depends on the patient’s diet. If the nutrition is balanced and the patient complies with all the requirements, a terrible diagnosis will be withdrawn.