About Us
End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Network 13
ESRD Network 13 is an organization dedicated to assisting dialysis facilities and kidney transplant centers in their efforts to provide quality care for their patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). It is part of a nationwide system of 18 Networks contracted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services under the ESRD Program established as part of the Social Security Administration in 1972, to help assure that people receiving dialysis services or kidney transplants receive proper care.
ESRD Network 13 works with dialysis and kidney transplant centers and their patients in the states of Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma.
Consisting of Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma, has a combined estimated general population of 11,435,411, as of 2013. Due to widespread rural communities within the Network, access to health care continues to be an ongoing problem for many ESRD patients. Cultural diversity from state to state and between regions within states adds to the challenges of education, patient compliance and cooperation with treatment regiments.
Network 13 champions patient-centeredness, effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and timeliness of health services with patients, providers, health plans, practitioners, and government to improve the quality and safety of healthcare services, and thereby, the quality of life of patients.
Network Objectives
The Network is tasked with promoting positive change relative to the three AIMs outlined in the National Quality Strategy and CMS priorities. The AIMs for the Network QI activities are as follows:
- AIM 1: Better Care for the Individual through Beneficiary and Family Centered Care
- AIM 2: Better Health for the ESRD Population
- AIM 3: Reduce Costs of ESRD Care by Improving Care
The three AIMs are subdivided into multiple domains. Many factors influence these domains, including patient characteristics, patients’ social support/environment, and other aspects of the health care delivery system. To substantively impact these domains, the Network incorporates interventions that focus on patients, dialysis and transplant providers, other providers (e.g., nursing homes, acute dialysis units, hospitals), and stakeholders. Where possible, the Network includes emphasis on reducing disparities within projects and reporting.
ESRD Network 13 – How to Volunteer for Boards and Committees
ESRD Network 13 Governance and Compliance